Monday, May 26, 2008

Finishing the Backyard

On this beautiful, sunny Memorial weekend, Brian and Max were able to finish up the backyard. They have been working hard laying pavers, putting down mulch and finishing up details.
Max was very strong and choose helping Dad with the sod over going across the street and playing with Hudson and Sawyer.
Brian showed Max the proper techniques of laying sod. Anyone needing help with your sod-give Max a call!

Max showing Brian how it is done.
Brian showing Max how to cut sod with my old college steak knives.

After the sod was down, Brian had also bought rocks to put around the firepit.
Coco, of course, wanted part of all the action.

She is excellent at ripping up sod and getting in the way, loving everyone up.

Later in the evening while we were eating our weekend s'mores, Coco discovered that she could rip up the strips of sod for fun. Brian wasn't too happy about that-but luckily she was good today all by herself.
Here is the completed product. I sit at the table writing this as Brian stares at me asking me if I am almost done as he has changed his mind and wants to take Coco for a walk.
I hope everyone had a great Memorial day weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Bethany know Bigdog in Florida?