Friday, May 23, 2008

Sleepy Coco

I took Coco on a walk this morning.Normally, this news isn't picture worthy but usually on walks she is a crazy, crazy hyper dog and my arm feels like it is going to be pulled out of it socket. But Brian has been working with her after some kind tips from our next door neighbor, Joanne.
And I must have wore that sweet girl out as she decided to take a nice afternoon nap underneath our bench.
She is our sweet, lovey, pretty girl.

Max's Spring Concert

Last night was Max's Spring Concert. He has been talking about it for weeks. As well as practicing his favorite song, "We Were Born to Make Music."

There were other songs about Spring and bugs. It was a very cute concert.

This is one of my favorites from the night because it looks like Max is at his first rock concert!
"We Were Born to Make Music"

A family pic

Another family pic

Max and his Daddy

Max wanted me to take some action shots of his friend Morgan and him jumping up and down.

His friend Catherine and him were running around playing tag after the concert.
Max and John

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Max's First Baseball Game

Max's first baseball game of the season was this past Saturday. He was very excited and luckily we had a beautiful day.

I keep taking so many pics of him that he wanted to try and take one too! I think he is a natural:)
Max also had pictures to be taken that day and Johanna and I thought we would jump in and take some as well.

And of course Max wanted some action shots!

We were also able to sneak in and get some pictures of the whole team.We then took some more shots before Max needed to practice. This is my favorite one of the day.

Practice begins with some catch.

Brian being the observant Baseball Dad.
The game begins.

Max cheering his team on while anxiously awaiting his turn at bat.
Max getting a pep talk from Brian.

Nervous but ready!
Brian anxious at the sidelines
He swings

He hits!
And he makes it to first base!

Nothing like a good game of rock, paper, scissor to make the time to by