Friday, May 16, 2008

Max's Soccer Practice

Max loves being in sports and is currently playing soccer and baseball as well as swimming a couple days a week.

He really wanted me to get an action shot.

Luckily we had a beautiful Spring afternoon compared to last Friday's cold and cloudy day. Johanna and I talked about how it felt like we were on vacation-that's how warm it was!

The mini games finally began after some drills. I warned Max I would be up taking pictures so he wouldn't get distracted during the game.

Max got a chance to be goalie

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fixing up Birchwood

On Saturday I spent the day frantically running errands while the Skolnik men spent time fixing up the Birchwood house.

Max spent some time helping his Dad with the pavers in the backyard and then I put him to work helping to plant some flowers to brighten up our home for summer.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Brian's Germany Trip #2

Brian has had some great opportunities in the last year to travel around the world on business. His last trip took him to Germany. Although I have been to Berlin for an afternoon before, I would have loved to see other parts of Germany with him. I look forward to accompanying him on a trip soon.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Springtime Mulch

As we are trying to sell the Trenton house, we need to pretty up the outside after a long winter. The boys started with mulch a couple weeks ago and soon I will be planting the flowers in the front.

Poor Coco got all tuckered out from all the excitement and just had to take a quick nap on a piece of cardboard.

Kailey's Confirmation

Kailey's confirmation was Sunday, May 4, 2008. It was quite the turnout at the church with many of us sitting in the lobby since there wasn't enough room in the church.

The boys had a good time amusing themselves with giggling and gang signs. This was Max's second time at church for the morning since he had already gone with Johanna earlier. Considering that, he was pretty well behaved.

The beautiful Ms. Elaina shed many a tear missing her Mama as Stephie was Kailey's confirmation sponsor and wasn't sitting with us.

But after being reunited with Mama, all was good in the world again.
Primeau family portraits

Max recently learned how to play a good game of thumb war and has been challenging everyone since then.

The girls confirmation class after the ceremony
Elaina with her Kailey
The Skolnik boys
Stephie P and Paul's kids looked so cute that day that the church photographer wanted to take some pics of them

The Skolnik Family
The Primeau Family

Nana bought the kids fun water guns and they had a blast trying to soak each other.

Not a fan of the lunch we were having, Elaina opted for Uncle Brian to get her some tasty summer fruit.

After two church services, a long drive to Fowlerville, running around with his cousins and filling up on cake, Max is happy relaxing with some Mario Brothers videos on the way home.